
why I tape in English?
I do not want to!  there is no 新注音 in this computer, so i have no choice.

倚瑛once said the person you travel with has a crucial role.
Now I understand what it means and how important it is.
I had explained so clearly in the last articals  about the reason why I decided so abruptly to went to Japan 
Once I thought it is safe and convenient to go out with parents in that we needn't worry the safty problem.
Now, I would say I was totally wrong!
Actually, one can never worry about the safty problem in Japan. 
Japan is a highly-developed country and the public security is extremely excellent!
what I really want to say is Ivy's parents!
I once thought that parents like them who have travelled for countless times and countless countries would set their minds at ease. However, the fact is not!
They had kept their eyes on us during travels. 
I hated that! I have no freedom!
Ivy is a big problem also.   They always complained the meal and overnight accommodations and compared this trip to those they have visited.
This is the very first time I go abraod and especially, use my own money!
Everything is new to me!
Everything is wonderful to me!
Nevertheless, they are old hands! 
They don't have power and interest to go around! Whenever we have free time to go around by ourselves, they just want to go back to the bus and take a rest!
How pity they are! 
I awfully don't understand why they spend to much money and time going abroad and just complain and feel weary of almost routines?
On the third day, I really had a feeling of hatred of them!


Despite so many compains above, this trip still can be said perfect in my heart!

The rest will be posted next week, and so will the photos!  (good memory)  


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